WalkingTruth Life Coaching
Santa Fe/Nambe, NM
//Life Style/Balance/Career/Family/Relationship/Beliefs/Money/Self-empowerment
/Health & Wellness/Communication/Organization/Stress Reduction
/Forward Movement After Trauma and/or Grief
Appointments conducted either on skype, phone or in person( in Santa Fe/Nambe, NM) area according to needs.
Have you ever been in a large park, recreation area, or on a hike and gotten a bit lost and had to look at the “you are here” map? Maybe you know your exact destination, or maybe you have a vague idea, or maybe you have absolutely no idea but need to be somewhere “else”. Then, you look at the “you are here” and “where you want to be” map and plot out the course. Sometimes there might be a group of people in the middle of the path, maybe some sort of little drama going on, or maybe even a fallen tree limb right in the middle of the walkway! What to do?!? Why, walk around it of course! This seems obvious, right? You wouldn’t just stop, turn around or abandon your destination!
Life can be just like this! You can be a little lost, frustrated, bored or even confused on your journey. As your life coach I will be right by your side in a safe, completely confidential, non-judgmental journey as we look at “You Are Here” and “This Way to There”. It will, however, always be your journey, your path, and ultimately your chosen destination. I will then simply support you and challenge you to plot out the path. Along the way there may be obstacles in the middle of the path. These obstacles can be less obvious and a lot more daunting then a fallen tree limb or a group of people talking in the path. Mostly, the obstacles are there because we put them there with old limiting belief systems. I would be honored to be the safe place where you can explore and reframe those beliefs into positive, productive beliefs so that you can continue on to your destination! I would also be honored to be the one to support and assist you as you envision your goals and find the paths and tools necessary to achieve them.
I believe in a holistic approach to living and will challenge you to look into all aspects of your life that may be holding you back from being who you can be and who you want to be.
You are taking your first steps towards wholeness and fulfillment! Thank you for considering me for your life coach to accompany you on your path!
Joni Holub
Life Coaching is about positive movement forward. What has happened in life prior to this is in the past. The Coaching Process is about knowing clearly where you are now and knowing just as clearly where you are going.
Life Coaches believe that a client has within them the knowledge and strength to achieve their goals. Life Coaching is about helping to bring forth that knowledge and strength by brainstorming, supporting, challenging, motivating, asking powerful questions and holding the client (in a safe and self-directed way) responsible for their progress. It is a very self-empowering approach to change.
Life Coaching is different than counseling or therapy in that we look forward, not behind. Other than looking at limiting belief systems and how to transform them, we look not for weaknesses but for strengths.
To ask questions that prompt reflection, thought, and action
To listen deeply and with respect
To listen “between the lines” and question what is heard
To be non-judgmental
To be discrete and confidential
To be forthcoming and truthful
To hold the space for each session and keep it on course
To give action items in each session in order to move progress forward. I will only ask for what the client believes they can achieve between each session. Baby steps can be powerful.
To gently, and with respect, hold client responsible for action items
To help client move toward the goals that they have chosen without trying to influence the journey or outcome.
Commit to the “Coaching Agreement”
Come to life coaching session with goal in mind
Take responsibility for your process
Take care of action items agreed upon
Be truthful and forthcoming with your life coach
Keep appointments and be on time
Let your life coach know if something said in session is upsetting or doesn’t feel right. We all have different emotional/cultural/societal triggers and I want to be respectful of yours. However, I may not be aware of what they are, so please help me to work with you by letting me know.
Recongnition goes out to my teacher Rob Stringer for allowing me to "tweak" and make mine his intake forms. I value his experience and knowledge. Thank you.